Karang Taruna Srimulyo is a youth social organization that functions as a forum for the development of the young generation with social awareness and responsibility.
We are committed to developing the potential of Indonesia's young generation through sustainable and responsible social and empowerment activities.
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Human resource empowerment is our focus in sustainable development
Our social activities aim to increase social awareness and responsibility, among youth, as well as make a positive contribution to the surrounding community.
Our social concern grows according to the needs of the times, one of which is concern for the environment, waste cleaning, Reforestation & Restocking of Fish, sustainable waste management, is our focus in the field of Environment
master plan for waste management of the Srimulyo Youth Corps (Srimulyo Clink)
We are working on the empowerment of the Generation as proof of our seriousness in welcoming the future
We have a Routine Development Program for Orphans, Orphans, Dhuafa and Disadvantaged Children in economic factors
In the form of providing a spirit of learning and fulfilling the basic needs of school children
Donations for social causes
Bank BPD DIY a/n Karang Taruna Kalurahan Srimulyo
029 231 005 823
Karang Taruna Kalurahan Srimulyo
Wadah pengembangan generasi muda di Indonesia.
Jl. Jogja - wonosari Km. 12,5 Piyungan, Bantul, 55792
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Bank BPD DIY a/n Karang Taruna Kalurahan Srimulyo
029 231 005 823